Influence In Leadership


Influence In Leadership

Leadership is an act of influence. Leadership is completely about influence. The very moment somebody’s thoughts, ideas or actions starts to influence our life in some way or the other, they are leading us. And thereof, we are always lead by somebody whether we are aware of it or not.

Let’s look at the following list of people and see if you can recognize what all of them have in common:

Sam Manekshaw

Ranjit bajaj

K.M. Cariappa

Pablo Picaso

Bill Clinton

Mother Teresa

Adolf Hitler

Tiger Woods

Warren Buffett

Nelson Mandela

Arnold Shwarzenegger

Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you figured it out? You might be knowing some of them very well but you might not have heard some of the other names before. The one thing which is common in all of them is that they all have “influence” Some of the people in the above list are well-known people but others are not so popular. But it shows that everyone has influence. It does not matter who you are, what you wear or where you live, You too can have influence on others.

You don’t have to be in a high-profile position to become a person of influence. In fact, you can have influence on the people right where you are. Everything you do in your life not only relates to your personal life but it impacts and influences others lives as well. If your desire is to become successful and change the world, you cannot do this without Influence. Influence is the key to unlocking closed doors. The rapid changes that happen in the world every other day is because of influence. Let’s look at some of the qualities of a person of influence:

Integrity: The most highly influential people always work on Integrity even though it may cost them highly. They set for themselves some moral standards on which they live by and operate. People may not like them but they respect them. Because their life is based on Integrity. They do not lie, cheat or steal and does not tolerate those who do. People like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi were so much influential because they lived with Integrity. The people in the world right now have become hypocrites. They show an enhanced picture of themselves to others so as to save their REPUTATION

Influence In Leadership
Influence In Leadership

They focus too much on changing the conditions of the outside world rather than trying to fix themselves first.But people with integrity do no tell or show others what they truly are not.  They only reveal their true character and do not sell an enhanced image of themselves. They know their true-self and therefore they understand their self-esteem and self-worth. They are confident. When you find out who you are, you don’t pretend to be confident but it just becomes so natural for you to be confident that you don’t even have to think about it. And confidence brings influence. So, if you want to be influential, simply live with Integrity.

Understands People: Leaders with influence knows that every person is unique and they respect the identity of every individual. Some people are irritating and frustrating and have a completely wrong approach towards life. But influential people do not usually criticize such people because they understand that every person lives in an environment or culture which is responsible for shaping the character of that person.
Instead of criticizing, they solely focus on changing them by providing them information, helping to get a revelation and bringing in them a transformation.

Influence In Leadership
Influence In Leadership

Empowering People: Empowering people is the highest form of Leadership. People like and respect true leaders for their ability to empower others. True leaders do not seek power for themselves but they want it so that they could help others become better. Influential People do not accomplish big goals only for themselves but because they want to contribute something to their generation. They impact the individuals and their organization by helping people to become better and they end up influencing them to they point where they start following the leader without even asking for it.

You too can become influential if you understand and apply the above three principles in your life and start making a change in the world RIGHT NOW!


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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