The heart of leadership

Discover your true potential as a leader and unleash it by understanding the heart of leadership. The most important aspect in the leadership theory.


The heart of leadership
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When people talk about leadership, most of the time they talk about influence, power, position, authority, good communication skills and so forth. But the most important aspect of the leadership development which is neglected most of the times is the Attitude.

 Attitude is the most important part of the leadership and the personality of a leader. What separated a leader from a follower is his attitude. Most of the people today, prioritizes the ability rather than the attitude which is wrong. Your attitude is what makes you special as a leader. Attitude of the leadership is more important than skill.
There are so many people around you who have the intelligence, the skills and all the other attributes which are required of them in a certain area or field and still what they don’t have is the courage to take the action which is necessary to manifest their dreams. They lack the  attitude and thus, all the other aspects have no effect on their life. If you have the required attitude to lead others then you can also acquire other skills. But, if you lack the attitude of leadership then all the other things will fade out. Attitude is what makes leaders think differently from followers which produces the motivation which then generates into their action.

The attitude of a leader turns his passion into an inspiration for the followers which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of his purpose. Attitude produces certain behavior and that behavior produces people from their limit of the social norm. Therefore, it is the thinking of the person that makes them see circumstances differently. So, if attitude is so much important in the leadership then it is crucial to consider how attitude is developed. Let’s see:

The heart of leadership

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Attitude is a product of Beliefs. You cannot have an attitude beyond your beliefs. Your attitude is determined by your belief system. No one can ever live beyond the limits of their Beliefs. So, if you want to live beyond what you are living right now you have to change your belief system. Leaders are born when they believe that they are here on the planet, to make a difference in the world. Your life is what you think it should be. That’s exactly what you are right now. You are what you thought you should be. And is you don’t like who you are, you got to change what you think you should be. True leaders don’t need any training in management skills, or to get titles or a position of authority, what they just need is attitude of mind. Your development as a leader is determined by three things, here they are:

YOUR PERCEPTION OF WHO YOU ARE: The average human on earth does not know who they are and what is unique about themselves, therefore they try to live onto others expectations and in their image. That’s why people wear the nike, calvin klein and all the other products. They wear others name so that they can feel important. They need an identity for themselves. True leaders know who they are and thus, they don’t need to wear other peoples image.

WHY YOU THINK YOU EXIST? : Most of the people on the earth live right now making a living for themselves but they do not know the purpose of their life. Everyday they go to the job they don’t like, meet people they hate, come back home, do the same things the next day and they do it until they are old and eventually they get fired from their job and call it retirement. But they don’t make a difference to the world, because they didn’t knew what the purpose of their life was. Everything exists for a purpose, so find the purpose that you were born to fulfill.

YOUR SENSE OF SIGNIFICANCE: The perception of who you are and why you are important to the world is very important. Because once you know that you are important to the world, you become very dangerous. You start to know that the world needs you and the contribution that you make to the world is necessary for them.

So, the success of leadership is when the attitude and the ability of the leader work in harmony with each other. If you don’t have the belief, than you ability becomes a victim of your belief.

The heart of leadership
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When you discover who you are, you don’t pretend to be confident, you automatically become confident. Confidence is a product of your beliefs. What you believe about yourself determines what you think about yourself and the way you think about yourself is the way you behave. And you behave bold, confident and fearless because there are some things that you discovered about you and about life that changed your perception about life. You can never become a leader until you haven’t got the mentality of a leader. What you think is more important than what you do.

You have to carefully choose what you think about and listen to most of the time because the kind of thinking you have determines your belief system and your beliefs affects your attitude towards life. Therefore, you may even have to change some of your friends so that you can become better than you are today. Values attract like values. And the things your friends value might not be good for the destiny that you designed for yourself. You need to be careful when you meet with people and engage with them because their bad attitude can change your attitude towards life. Nothing is worse than an optimist keeping friends with a pessimist.

So, if attitude is about the belief system, then you would agree that everybody in this world has attitude. But then what is the attitude of leadership? Attitude of leadership is that you were born with the ability to lead but you must make up your mentality of a leader. People don’t believe in this thing because they have been influenced by their culture so much that most of them die without even realizing it. They think that they are worth nothing because they have adopted the beliefs of others and made it their attitude. True leadership is not a method or a technique. True leadership is an attitude.


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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