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What is Purpose? |
It is an unfortunate
truth that many people live with a quiet desperation and some die by the
uneasiness that somehow they have “missed it”. Others wander aimlessly - a few
purposefully – attempting to solve the puzzle of life. From the beginning of
mankind’s history, every man on planet earth is struggling with the age – old questions:
Why am I here? What is the reason for my existence? What is the meaning of my
life? Is there a reason for all the creation? These questions are universal.
Every religion, ethnic group
and society is trying to answer this question. Many great minds such as Plato,
Aristotle, Socrates and others have attempted to explore those questions. Most
of the people today do not know why they exists on this planet. They get up
every morning, go to the job they hate, work with people they don’t like and
die too young due to frustration. They don’t know the purpose of their life.
Therefore, the greatest tragedy in life is not death, there is something worse than
death. The greatest tragedy in life is life without a purpose. It is dangerous
to be alive and not know why you were given life. One of the most saddest
experiences is to have time but not know why.
The deepest craving of
the human heart is to find the meaning for their existence. Consciously or unconsciously,
this internal passion is what motivates and drives every human being. It is
this craving for the purpose that motivates the actions and behavior of every person
on earth. This need for purpose is the cause of many tragedies. Many suicides
happen across the globe because they don’t know their purpose. Many mass
murders happen everyday because they want to feel a sense of significance. It
also gives birth to erroneous perception and conception of one person of the
another. Therefore, purpose is the only source of personal and corporate
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What is Purpose? |
- Purpose gives life its meaning. Without purpose, life has no meaning. Without the knowledge of your purpose in life, it becomes and endless journey for you with no significance. When people lose their purpose, destruction in life is inevitable. Without purpose, there is confusion, frustration and disillusionment in the personal life, society, organizations and countries.
- Purpose fills you with motivation. When you discover the purpose of your life, you don’t depend on external factors to motivate you. When you know the purpose which you were born to fulfill; you start to get motivated by yourself. Other people’s opinions doesn’t matter to you anymore.
- Purpose brings commitment. You are committed to your goals when you find your purpose in life. You start to feel an urge from within to fulfill your purpose and achieve your destiny, whatever it takes to be. You become focused towards your goals and you compromise on anything which acts as a detour towards your goal.
- Purpose leads to management. You start to manage your resources and your time when you know your purpose. You choose to spend your time wisely according to your purpose because you know that your life consists of time and wherever you spend your time, it becomes your life. You start choosing friends which helps you to reach to your destiny.
- Purpose gives hope. It is a common observation in life that every human suffers some kind of crisis during their lifetime. The guiding sense of purpose is more than an orientation towards a goal. Purpose instills the passion to act for the fulfillment of your goal in life. Purpose gives you the strength to stand ramrod straight against any failure in life.
- When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Where there is no purpose, there is no self-control, no moral standards and no ethical boundaries. Therefore, you must realize that your fulfillment in life is dependent on your becoming and doing what you were born to be and do. Anything less makes life your enemy and death your friend.
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What is Purpose? |
Therefore, everything In
life has a purpose. Everyone on this planet was born with and for a purpose. It
is this purpose, which gives life its meaning. Not a single person on the earth
is a mistake. Not even one of us is a biological mistake of our parents. We
were born to fulfill a purpose. So, it is necessary for us to understand and discover
our purpose in life so that we may live an effective and meaningful life.
Purpose is the original
intent in the mind of the creator that motivated him to create all the things
that we see in the universe. Before any thing is made, there is a purpose
established in the mind of the manufacturer regarding that thing. Therefore,
purpose precedes production.
So, the true measure of
your success is not what you have done in life to what others have done. It is
measured by your personal fulfillment of your purpose. Your existence is the
evidence that this generation needs something that your life contains. If you
die without fulfilling your purpose, you are not a failure for yourself but you
are also a generational failure because you are taking away something with you
which you could have given to the next generations and could have made a
difference. Therefore, discover your purpose and serve the world with it. What
is your purpose in life? Comment below!
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