The power of Principles

discover the importance of principles in our life and how principles protect our life and legacy and ensure the successful completion of our purpose in life.


The power of Principles
The power of Principles

The key to life and effective living is to follow principles. In order to live an effective life, a person should understand the need and role of principles in our life. In fact, our  character is built on the principles which we live by. Our purpose and potential is preserved by our principles. Principles ensure that we do not cancel our purpose and goals prematurely. Everything exists for a purpose with potential to operate by a principle. This means that everything in this universe has a purpose with a potential which is necessary to fulfill its purpose. But its purpose is only fulfilled if the principles are followed.

Here are some of the things about principles which we must consider:

  • PURPOSE produces POTENTIAL and POTENTIAL is protected by PRINCIPLES. Therefore, purpose without potential is frustration. When you have a purpose but do not have the potential to fulfill that purpose, it creates frustration for you. For example: You may have been given a position sometimes where you can exercise your power but you are limited because you are not allowed to use it. So, you feel like a bird who is trapped In a cage. You have a purpose but no potential which results In chaos.

  • POTENTIAL without PRINCIPLES produces destruction. If a person has power and position of authority but no principles then that person becomes a tool of destruction. A good example in this case is of the German politician and leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler. He  was a man who had position and power but he did not operated on good principles. He functioned on erroneous principles and what happened? 85 million people were killed.

The power of Principles
The power of Principles

 The most dangerous people to be with are powerful people without principles. There are politicians who have got power but no principles. So, we must prefer to live with people who have no power but have principles rather than people with power and no principles. Because if they have no principles, they will use their power to kill you.
Principles are so much important to us and if you don’t understand the principles of life, then life will become your enemy. There are people in our society who cause the corruption due to lack of principles and most of us think that its because of power. Its not because of power. Power is pure. The person was already corrupted from inside and when he got the power, he just got an opportunity to show his corruption.

Now let us understand why we need principles and what is their importance in our life:

  • Principle is the way something is to function. Principles are made to ensure that a product can function at its full potential. By violating the principles you are minimizing the potential of that product. For example: When you are operating an electric Iron, you operate it with a principle which is built in it. The principles with which the electric iron function are not designed by you, they are produced by the manufacturer. The principle for the electric iron says that you should not operate it in water. So, if you try to violate that principle and you put the iron in water with switch on, then another principle comes in play which is the principle of conduction. So, the water absorbs the electricity and you get a shock. Therefore, violation of principles leads to destruction. Similarly, there are some laws and principles on which we must operate and live by so that we can maximize and unleash our true potential.

  • Principles maximizes potential. The potential of the product is maximized by the principles. In order for something to function properly, you must follow the principles. For example; your car works on the gasoline which is a principle for that car to function properly at its maximum potential. But if you try to run that car on top quality orange juice, the car will not function. So, principles ensures the longevity of your life and protects your legacy as a leader.

  • Principles protects your life. When you are in a position of leadership where others life is affected by the way you live your life, then principles play a key role. By adhering to certain values and principles, you ensure the longevity of your leadership. Principles protects your legacy. People trust you because they know that you stick to your principles and standards and are committed to them. Principles also protect your character.

Therefore, principle is the principle thing In life. The word ‘Principle comes from the word ‘Prince’ which means ‘First Law’. Principles are the laws which every person should live by to ensure their success in life. Violation of principles leads to destruction. Principles are the inherent laws for the function of potential and to fulfill the original intent which is the purpose. If you don’t live by your principles, then you will become a victim of others principles. So, stick to your principles and standards to live an effective life.


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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