No Excuses!


No Excuses!
No Excuses!

There are people who achieve great success in life despite facing difficult circumstances or situations in life and then there are people who can’t use their resources well to achieve what they want to achieve in life. The only difference between these two is in their attitude or spirit of mind. The former kind of people just have a reason to do what they want to do even when faced with hard and turbulent times and the latter kind of people just try to find the excuses for what they are not doing and could do in the future. They have all the resources and the opportunities to get successful. However, these kind of people always look at the things that they don’t have.

The most successful people in this world have a reason for what they do with their life. They do not leave their success in the hands of fortune or chance, rather they work on themselves to achieve great things. The quality of the time that you spend determines the quality of your life. Only you can decide where you need to spend most of your time. Do you want to spend your time on listening to music or to listen to success stories of successful people? Do you want to spend your time watching movies or reading books? The decisions you make every single day determines what kind of life you will live.

  • Life is what you make it: It does not matter how many excuses you have about the circumstances in your life or the kind of life you live right now. It all depends on you. Your life is only decided by you, and therefore we should stop complaining about our lifestyle to other people. It may be true that you didn’t had a good family background or the culture which brought you up was not righteous. But we cannot blame others for the rest of our life.

To get successful and achieve what we want in our life, all we need is ONE REASON. There may be lots of reasons of why you cannot start doing things that you want to do, but all you need is one single reason to do it. Only you are the Maker and Shaper of your destiny and no one can decide what your life would be unless you give them the power to do so. When we submit our precious time to listen to or watch things that are irrelevant or unnecessary for us to do, we are giving that external source, the power to decide our destiny. Therefore, your life is very much predictable and its predicted by the decisions that you make in your life.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Excuses are just a way to construct an escape route from the reality or to prove that the situations that you face in your life are justifiable. It is true that we can’t decide our circumstances every time but we can definitely decide how we react to the difficult situations in our life. We can definitely change our perception towards things in life. We can still have hope for the betterment of situations rather than pushing ourselves back from our goals. I want to repeat it again and again so that it gets into your mind, “Your life’s destiny is shaped by the decisions that you make”.

  • Change your Perception: Rather than looking at the problems in a negative way, we must learn to perceive them as opportunities to make things better. Problems in life are a temporary obstacle or interruptions which comes in your life just to test your strengths and weaknesses. We must learn not to give in to the problems rather face them fearlessly.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Looking at the difficulties as opportunities to learn something new is an intriguing concept. Successful people are never concerned about the problems, no matter how big they are. They just want to know how to tackle it or how it can be solved. And then they learn from it. They know that it may take some time to fix a particular problem, but they never give in to the problems.

  • Be Accountable: When I ask people about the people to which they are accountable to , they usually mention their friends, relatives or someone in the family. But most of the people are never accountable to themselves. How can you tell me that you are accountable to other people but not even to yourself?

This can be considered as one of the major causes of why people make excuses. Because they keep other people accountable for their actions and when they fail at something, they start blaming others. There’s nothing wrong in accountability and commitment to others. But the first person that you must be accountable to is none other than yourself. Because nobody in the world knows you better than yourself. You can lie to every other person in the world, but not to yourself. You can’t cheat yourself. Therefore, it is necessary for you to be responsible and accountable for your actions to yourself.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Almost any person can get the guts to start things that they want to do in life, but it takes a wise man to complete or finish things what they started. All of us start things easily with thrill and excitement but when that excitement fades away, most of us quit and start making excuses. Therefore, I ask everyone of you to stop complaining about everything in your life and start living your dreams.



        FALLING UP!


The most distressing thing in life is when we fail to achieve something which we desire the most. Failure is often perceived as a negative word and failure is something which people try to avoid like plague. Every person on this planet wants to be successful. I have never met a person in my life who said, “ I plan to fail tomorrow”. Everyone wants to be successful. No person ever wants to fail. But we have made success so much a priority in our life that when we fail, we do not know how to manage that failure. Failure is not the end of the road. Rather, it is just a detour to success and must be conceived in that manner only.

Every single person that achieved something great and became successful in some area of life did so, not because they managed that failure effectively. They did not mourned or cried over that failure rather they learned from it and moved on to accomplish what they wanted to accomplish.

Here are some things which you must consider when you encounter failure next time;

  • Failing to deal with failure effectively is worse than failing at something: The only thing which matters when you fail is how you deal with that failure. Its not important how much great or big your failure is, but how do you manage that failure? Do you loose hope and discontinue to move towards what you wanted to achieve? Do you feel sad and depressed when you fail? Do you loose faith by thinking that everything in life is working against you? Or do you analyze your failure and keep improving your mistakes until you succeed in what you wanted to accomplish? The decision is all up to you, Many great people in the history failed, but they knew the art of managing that failure effectively and turn it into success.

You must know how to manage and control that failure effectively. And this is important because if you cannot manage failure effectively, you will always be filled with the fear of failure. You will be afraid of failure even when you succeed because you don’t know how to manage it. Therefore, never be afraid of failure but learn how to setup failure into a success.


  • Failure must be seen as a detour or an interruption: Most people perceive failure as an end to the road of their success, However, failure is a temporary problem and a temporary problem should be met with a temporary solution. We should never try to find a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But still this is happening in our society. That’s why, the number of suicide cases across the world are increasing every year. Many students kill themselves every year because of their poor performance in an exam which does not even measure their true potential. Therefore, they find a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

We must be wise enough to know how to deal with the failure. Your success in life is not cancelled by your failure. Failure is a little interruption on  your way to success. We should never take failure heavily. It must be dealt with a temporary solution because its not going to last forever. Life has many seasons. Failure is just a season and seasons change. Therefore, key to success is to hold on the failure and you will soon go through it.

  • Perception of True Failure: Having a clear perception of failure is very important. Most of the times, we call something as because it does not meet with the expectations of others. We are much more concerned about what people expect us to do rather than doing what we want to do. Sometimes we connect our failure with our social image or our reputation. We are afraid to try something new because there is some fear of damage to our reputation. We start thinking about what other people will think about us when we fail. We can never maintain the level of our success if we just continue to give priority to other people’s opinions or expectations of us.


You do not fail unless you consider it as a failure. I have told earlier that it is important to learn from failure and you either succeed or you learn. There is no such thing as a permanent failure. Its all limited to your mind and your belief system. You never fail unless you believe it.

Failure just gives you the opportunity to relax yourself for some time and think about the possibilities and go through the planning process again. Every great inventor of history failed several times before they succeeded. Wright Brothers failed many times before they made history. Colonel Sanders faced several hardships in life before he founded the KFC at the age of 62!

 Every great success that came has been accompanied by great failures. Its not a big deal if we fail at something because everyone who tries to do something big has failed and will fail. It is just a process to make you strong to handle the big success. So, if you ever fall in life’s journey, never undermine your success due to that, just face it and FALL UP!

Vision for the Future



Vision for the Future
Vision for the Future 

Hellen Keller was 19 months old when she suffered from a disease and became deaf and blind. She wrote poetry and books that became Nobel Peace Prize quality. She became a well-renowned leader that the world could ever witness. She was almost 80 years old when she was being interviewed by Walter Cronkite. In that interview, Walter Cronkite asked her,
Miss Keller, What could be more worse in life than being deaf and blind at such a young age?. She responded by saying, The only thing worse than that is being born with the ability to see, but have no vision. And about this thing I want to talk to you today.

I don't even have to ask you about how much that answer from Hellen Keller influences you. People are born with sight but having no vision.
Vision is not about sight. Vision is more than merely sight. You can have sight and still be without vision. Sight doesn't give the ability to do great things rather vision forms the foundation for the fulfillment of your purpose.


Vision for the Future
Vision for the Future

Vision is the capacity to see things beyond what your eyes can see. Vision gives direction to the purpose. When you are going to see your Purpose is becoming your reality, it is your vision. Most leaders of today have no vision for the future of the people that they lead. They are more concerned about fulfilling their personal ambition rather than having a vision for the people that the lead. Vision is the ability to see things that the eyes can't believe.

When you a purpose for your life, you must develop a clear vision to direct yourself to your destiny. A clear vision for the fulfillment of your purpose is necessary to achieve and accomplish. You should never be directed by your emotions to achieve your goals. Because emotions are just chemicals that are secreted by the body which can change every single minute. Be directed by the divine vision that you saw. And if where you are in life now is not where you thought yourself to be, than that stage in your life is temporary. This is very important. You should never judge your future by the present stage of your life. It is Temporary and will definitely change by your efforts.

Next to having a clear vision is to know your ability to fulfill it. If you saw a vision no matter how big it is you already have the potential to make it a reality. The key to fulfilling your life's purpose is vision. Start asking yourself this question, “What is my destiny?”, “Where am I heading in the next 10 or 20 years?”.

Most people don’t have any reason for living life. When you ask them, “Why do you work?” or “For What reason do you get up in the morning?”or “Why do you go to the job that you hate?” Most of them have no answer to that question or they say something like, “I do it because everyone else is doing it.” They have no reason for living. Purpose is necessary to make your life meaningful. Without purpose, their is no meaning in life. The reason for existence is only satisfied with purpose. Everything in life is created with and for a purpose. Nothing is created without a purpose. You have also been created with a purpose that you must discover in order to live an effective life.

It is a distressing fact that every person living is planet is born with a purpose and yet only few of us realize it and start fulfilling it and make it to the end. Vision gives you the ability to endure the tough and turbulent times in life. It gives you an insight that whatever tough circumstances you face in life, you can get through it. Your vision for your life may be personal but its never private. Its never only limited to the individual. The vision that you have affects and nurtures the whole community.

Wright Brothers believed more than anybody else that they could make a machine that could fly in the air by defying the laws of gravity. Alexander Graham Bell believed that sound waves can be converted into electrical signals and can be transmitted through a wire.

Therefore, believe in the vision that you have perceived and start fulfilling your purpose rather than waiting for the right kind of opportunities to come to you. Start Today!