Attitude v/s Ability

which is more important in leadership- attitude or ability? which is more important in leading?


Attitude v/s Ability
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Leadership is both an aptitude and attitude. But no matter how much intellectual ability you have, if you don’t have the right attitude, your ability doesn’t mean anything. It's your attitude which eventually determines your success in your area of gifting. Your destiny is not determined by how much ability do you have. Your ability matters, but if you don’t have the right attitude then your ability will become a victim of your attitude.

How many times have you agreed with something yet did not do it? How many times have you said to yourself, “ That’s true”, but did not act on it? You believed in it because it was true, but you were not to the point of conviction where it caused you to act. Now, you might have the ability but you probably believe that there are certain things you cannot do and say something like: “I don’t deserve this”, “ I can’t achieve that”, “ I can’t even think about that”. Its because of your attitude which is a result of the beliefs that your parents, society and yourself has put within you.
Now let me give you an example of how attitude is much more important than  your ability:

We say that the lion is the king of the Jungle. But the lion is a great source of encouragement to all of us. Here are some amazing facts about the lion:

The LION is not the TALLEST animal in the jungle.
The LION is not the LARGEST  animal in the jungle.
The LION is not the HEAVIEST animal in the jungle.
The LION is not the SMARTEST or the most INTELLIGENT animal in the jungle.
                             .... and yet when he shows up all run away.

Attitude v/s Ability
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The Lion is the king of the jungle because of one word ATTITUDE. The lion has a different attitude that makes every animal afraid of him. Now, we don’t want to lead by fear but it does takes respect for you to become a Leader. The fear in the jungle means RESPECT. The elephant respects the lion, the giraffe respect the lion, the hyenas respect the lion. What makes these massive animals respect such a small cat?
The ATTITUDE is the difference. For example, a lion will see an elephant and the thing that comes to his mind is LUNCH. He thinks, “ I could eat this thing” and he acts the way he thinks. Now the amazing thing is this; the elephant is larger, bigger, stronger, powerful, heavier and more intelligent than the lion and yet when the elephant sees the lion one word comes to his mind “CHEF”. The attitude makes all the difference.
Now the elephant can overpower the lion in every aspect but he is limited because of his attitude whereas the lion despite of not having the same abilities as that of elephant eats him because of the powerful mindset that he have. The lion is the king of the jungle because of what he believes about himself.

The wealthiest person in the world are usually not intellectuals or academic experts. I’m not saying that they are not intelligent but that their financial success is not attributed to their educations.

Computer entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Steven Jobs are examples of successful people who didn’t do well under a traditional educational experience. Although they dropped out of college, they had a certain attitude that cause them to be convinced that they had valuable ideas to develop. They believed in them, too. And we know that their organization is a big success now.

Abraham Lincoln is another example of a right attitude. He failed to accomplish his goals many times, but he had an inner belief that he had something to offer his community, his state and his nation. This attitude is what kept him in the race even when he faced negative circumstances and failures. How do you react when you fail? Do you have an inner belief that is stronger than your experience. Victor Frankl, the holocasst survivor, said, “ It’ s not what happens to me that matters, but what happens in me”.

Winston Churchill is another good example of someone who preserved in his vision and in pursuing what he believed was right. He knew that Nazism was a threat to the Great Britain and the world, but he spent months and years as the lone voice of warning before others realized the truth of what he was saying. He had a deep conviction that kept him going. Under the pressure of circumstances and a sense of responsibility for saving the nation of England, his leadership developed and matured.

Attitude v/s Ability
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Leaders think in a certain way. Therefore, they manifest certain attributes and they work hard to attain a certain aptitude and this causes them to think at a higher level, or altitude. The more truth you know about yourself , the higher your thinking will be. You will have an increasingly clear vision for your life. All those areas need to be integrated for effective leadership. A leader has to have an integration of attitude. So, the right kind of attitude is necessary to exercise effective leadership.


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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