No Excuses!

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

There are people who achieve great success in life despite facing difficult circumstances or situations in life and then there are people who can’t use their resources well to achieve what they want to achieve in life. The only difference between these two is in their attitude or spirit of mind. The former kind of people just have a reason to do what they want to do even when faced with hard and turbulent times and the latter kind of people just try to find the excuses for what they are not doing and could do in the future. They have all the resources and the opportunities to get successful. However, these kind of people always look at the things that they don’t have.

The most successful people in this world have a reason for what they do with their life. They do not leave their success in the hands of fortune or chance, rather they work on themselves to achieve great things. The quality of the time that you spend determines the quality of your life. Only you can decide where you need to spend most of your time. Do you want to spend your time on listening to music or to listen to success stories of successful people? Do you want to spend your time watching movies or reading books? The decisions you make every single day determines what kind of life you will live.

  • Life is what you make it: It does not matter how many excuses you have about the circumstances in your life or the kind of life you live right now. It all depends on you. Your life is only decided by you, and therefore we should stop complaining about our lifestyle to other people. It may be true that you didn’t had a good family background or the culture which brought you up was not righteous. But we cannot blame others for the rest of our life.

To get successful and achieve what we want in our life, all we need is ONE REASON. There may be lots of reasons of why you cannot start doing things that you want to do, but all you need is one single reason to do it. Only you are the Maker and Shaper of your destiny and no one can decide what your life would be unless you give them the power to do so. When we submit our precious time to listen to or watch things that are irrelevant or unnecessary for us to do, we are giving that external source, the power to decide our destiny. Therefore, your life is very much predictable and its predicted by the decisions that you make in your life.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Excuses are just a way to construct an escape route from the reality or to prove that the situations that you face in your life are justifiable. It is true that we can’t decide our circumstances every time but we can definitely decide how we react to the difficult situations in our life. We can definitely change our perception towards things in life. We can still have hope for the betterment of situations rather than pushing ourselves back from our goals. I want to repeat it again and again so that it gets into your mind, “Your life’s destiny is shaped by the decisions that you make”.

  • Change your Perception: Rather than looking at the problems in a negative way, we must learn to perceive them as opportunities to make things better. Problems in life are a temporary obstacle or interruptions which comes in your life just to test your strengths and weaknesses. We must learn not to give in to the problems rather face them fearlessly.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Looking at the difficulties as opportunities to learn something new is an intriguing concept. Successful people are never concerned about the problems, no matter how big they are. They just want to know how to tackle it or how it can be solved. And then they learn from it. They know that it may take some time to fix a particular problem, but they never give in to the problems.

  • Be Accountable: When I ask people about the people to which they are accountable to , they usually mention their friends, relatives or someone in the family. But most of the people are never accountable to themselves. How can you tell me that you are accountable to other people but not even to yourself?

This can be considered as one of the major causes of why people make excuses. Because they keep other people accountable for their actions and when they fail at something, they start blaming others. There’s nothing wrong in accountability and commitment to others. But the first person that you must be accountable to is none other than yourself. Because nobody in the world knows you better than yourself. You can lie to every other person in the world, but not to yourself. You can’t cheat yourself. Therefore, it is necessary for you to be responsible and accountable for your actions to yourself.

No Excuses!
No Excuses!

Almost any person can get the guts to start things that they want to do in life, but it takes a wise man to complete or finish things what they started. All of us start things easily with thrill and excitement but when that excitement fades away, most of us quit and start making excuses. Therefore, I ask everyone of you to stop complaining about everything in your life and start living your dreams.



Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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