Develop Self-Discipline

self-discipline is a very important aspect to fulfilling your goals and ambitions. Find how to develop self-discipline and take control of your life.


Develop Self-Discipline
Develop Self-Discipline

Self-discipline means to live your life in the right way and the hard way. Every person living on this planet is faced with temptations. Temptations provoke a person to act in a way which is not right for him or her. However, temptation is not something which should be avoided or to be considered as bad. Temptations are the way by which we can check for our weaknesses. No one knows all of their weaknesses and temptations act as a tool to check for our weak spots so that we can improve on them. Temptations should not and cannot be avoided but the important thing is whether we succumb to the temptation or not. Self-discipline is the way through which we can learn to survive the temptation and continue gliding towards our purpose.

When you discipline yourself, you commit yourself to live with some standards and boundaries which you will never violate whenever you feel convenient to do so. Everyone of us have times in our life where we feel weak and overpowered by our circumstances. At such times, we are tempted to give up on our standards. However, we need to make sure that we do not give up in that period, because that is the time when we are tested. Consider a person who is faced with a challenge and he immediately opts out. How can such a person survive the hard and turbulent times in life if he gives up so early when confronted with a little challenge? Self-discipline creates a strong determination and belief which guides us through the times of crisis.

Achieving Self-Discipline is a process which is based on three principles which should be considered at the time when we are faced with temptations:

  • Consciousness of time: Whenever we feel that we are tempted, we should remind ourselves with a thought that our time on earth is very limited. We live in  a timed body through which we have to fulfill our purpose and if we give in to temptation, we are stealing the time which could have been used to fulfill our purpose. The fulfillment of our purpose and goals is completely dependent on how we manage and use our time because your life is made up of time fragments and the places and things where you spend your time on, becomes your life. The next time you face a dilemma regarding the concept of self-discipline, just remind yourself about the limited time that you have to live your life and make an impact on the society.

  • Consciousness  of Consequences: Whenever we make a decision to do something important or which can impact our life, we have a misconception that the decisions are very important than the results. That might be true, but according to me, the consequences or results of a decision are more important than the decision itself. Sometimes we make decision before considering the consequences of that decision and when the consequences are destructive, we simply start to worry about it. Therefore, to be self-disciplined means to consider and evaluate the results of a decision first, and then decide something. We may make some choices which may feel good to us in the beginning without taking into consideration their consequences and the lifelong effect that they will have on us.

Each time you are faced with a situation in which you have to decide between maintain self-discipline and keeping it easy, remember that the choice you’re making today doesn’t affect your present life alone, but your whole life is shaped by it.

  • Consciousness of Righteousness: Most of our decisions in life are based on what we feel is good for us. However, the things which are good for us might not be right for us. A wise man once said, “ The enemy of right is not wrong. The enemy of right is good.” Not everything which is good for us is right for us. Consider an alcoholic guy, who drinks alcohol two times a day and completely has completely given all his conscience for that bottle. This guy thinks that alcohol is good for him, but its not right for him. You can see the difference between the two things. We should never confuse good things with the right things.

Creating an environment of self-discipline demands to do what is right for you not what is good for you. To be self-disciplined, we should constantly make a commitment to ourselves, that even if what we do is right and does not make us feel good or pleasant must be done. Self-discipline requires us to keep our feelings and emotions aside and focus on the right things.

Develop Self-Discipline
Develop Self-Discipline

The commitment which we make to ourselves to be disciplined is tested only hard and turbulent times. Being Self-disciplined, it requires you to stick to your standards and beliefs no matter how much pressure you face from external circumstances. You might be discomforted several times while building up self-discipline but you need to keep yourself aligned with your vision to achieve your goals. Once you have become self-disciplined and survive every kind of temptation you face, this will build up your character.

Remember, building up a genuine character of self-discipline is not an easy process. It takes time to build a good genuine character. It is only developed when you survive the hardships of life. Mark Twain once said, “ Courage is not the absence of fear; it is acting in spite of it.” Similarly, being self-disciplined does not mean to avoid urges and desires, but to face them and have control over them. Keep the purpose in your mind that you were born to fulfill and it will help you to manage your time effectively, consider consequences and to choosing between right and good. Therefore, it allows you to be self-disciplined and live an effective life.

What are your thoughts on SELF-DISCIPLINE and how did you achieved it? Comment below!


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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