Law of Wasted Effort




Law of Wasted Effort
Law of Wasted Effort

It has been scientifically concluded that animals, tress and other forces of nature are more receptive to their failures to the point that even humans don’t have that sort of perseverance and persistence towards life. I am very much intrigued whenever I hear the word ‘Law’. The reason behind this ideology is that laws have no respect for anybody. They treat everyone equally. So what is so special about the ‘ Law of Wasted Effort’?

It has been found that lions only succeed in only one-fourth of their hunting attempts— that means 75% of their pursuit fails and they only manage to succeed in only 25% of them. Now, the real thing is, it is not only limited to lions only. But Half of the eggs of fishes are eaten, half of the baby bears die even before reaching puberty, most of the world’s rain falls in the oceans, and most of the seeds are eaten by birds which are never manifested into trees.

So what do the above stats mean for us? Do you think they associate to our life?

Our life is also a constant ebb and flow of achievements and failures. But the facts shows that even animals and life’s other creation forms are more sober and conscientious to their work than we are. Despite their small percentage of success rate, they do not despair in their pursuit. They stay in the right environment and keep pursuing their goals until they approach their destination.

Only humans think that the lack of success in a few attempts is failure. Why do we have such a fragile mindset? Why don’t we consider the possibility of success in the next few consecutive attempts?

Law of Wasted Effort
Law of Wasted Effort

The question is not whether you will fail or not. You are going to fail at something in you life which I call something which life itself guarantees. But the real issue is how you deal with it? Apart from the asinine acts that humans continue to do on nature, the animal world is still continuing strong because it requires them to not fall under the mercy of feelings of sadness, anger, depression, envy or resentment. But they are alive, somehow they have complete understanding of the ‘ law of wasted effort’. They never give in to the failures.

J.K. Rowling’s manuscript was rejected a dozen times before she published her best-seller, Colonel Sanders did not tasted success until he was 65. You cannot expect to succeed every time you get on the course of your life. But the key is to keep trying until to succeed. Remember, it’s a Law! And laws don’t respect anybody. They work for anybody if that individual obeys it. And to understand this law completely, it requires you to change your old ideologies about failure and perceive it in a different way to get different results.


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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