Keys to Self-Confidence

Develop Self-Confidence by knowing, understanding and executing the keys to Personal Development.


Keys to Self-Confidence

Every person on this planet wants to introduce this concept of Self-Confidence in their lives whether it is related to take risks in the business, public speaking, convincing critics or to manage one’s own life. Most people often step back from getting out to achieve what they want, simply because of the fact that they have low self-esteem. There are many leaders who  can’t survive the adversities when the crisis hits them on their blind side. Because they lack the confidence to take a decision and live with the consequences.

Self-Confidence begins with a realization of who you are. Self-Confidence depends more on your inner-conditions rather than on the outer factors including people’s opinions of ourselves which we have no control over. Whenever a crisis hits in the life of an average person, he usually gets stumbled with the crisis and loses his sense of significance which results in low self-confidence. To prevent that from happening, there are some keys which helps you to increase your self-confidence. I am going to discuss 2 important keys to self-confidence in times of crisis.

             KNOW YOURSELF

Keys to Self-Confidence
Keys to Self-Confidence

Lack of Self-Confidence is generally due to lack of understanding about our self. Most of the times we are too busy in getting along with people, hanging out with them & understanding them that we forget to maintain our Intra-personal Relationships. Intra-personal relationship is our connection with ourselves. If you do not know who you are, why you are here and what you can do, then you should not attempt to understand others.

The first person that you should know about is yourself! I have seen people who try to look like others, dress like others, talk like others and behave like others. They feel a sense of significance when they look like a famous celebrity. This is one of the signs of a person with low self-confidence even if they look confident, they are actually not.
The problem is they do not really know who they are and what is their uniqueness, which results in a low self-concept, low self-esteem and low self-worth. So they become like others to regain their self-confidence.
Always try to spend sometime with yourself.

Don’t always keep hanging out, got to parties or attend business meetings all the time. Take some time out of your schedule to understand yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses and work on how you can improve yourself on a daily basis.

     Develop An Unstoppable Attitude

I have already covered the aspect of Attitude in my previous blogs. You can check them out here:

Attitude is Everything!

Attitude V/S Ability

No person in the world can teach you or should I say manifest the spirit of confidence in you. It is the realization of your true identity that helps you achieve that. The key to life is to maintain and sustain the right Mindset. And you cannot achieve that unless you change your thinking. You can never achieve new results from your old way of thinking.

Keys to Self-Confidence
Keys to Self-Confidence

Do not ever relate Self-Confidence with your past achievements or accomplishments. Because if we do that, it can become a great threat to our self-esteem. If your confidence is based on your possessions then you can lose your self-confidence when you lose your possessions. Self-Confidence is an automatic product of aligning your thoughts in the right direction.

Everybody fails at some point in their life. So, do not connect your sense of significance with your success. Nobody has ever achieved greatness without ever failing in their life. You could think of any great person that lived on the earth that you think was confident. You might agree that their failures were more important than their success as the failure taught them the principles to success and made them self-confident. They were confident because of what they knew about themselves and not what others thought of them. Successful people never trust other people’s opinions about themselves because they know that their success cannot be determined by others opinions but their planning & management of time and themselves. This is the source of real Self-Confidence!


Author & Editor

Gagandeep Singh is a blogger, author, leadership consultant


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