Reflect on your WHY



Reflect on your WHY

Reflect on your WHY
Reflect on your WHY

One thing that has become certain with the advent of modernization & technology is that the pace of life has increased to a considerable extent in terms of how people spend their time. And the results are chaos and uncertainty which is pretty much ubiquitous in the contemporary world. In the midst of all this, people have less time to reflect on their WHY. They keep searching for ways to get the most out of new opportunities, set new goals, collaborate with people to start startups & some hope for a turnaround to take place. While all these are good but if they do not look at the broader objective for manifesting their ideas, there will certainly be ramifications that cannot be avoided.

So the analogy is that if you take actions with a certain motive behind it intelligible in your mind then the probability of reaping the benefits from that action are higher than if you do it without any intangible plan. Therefore, its necessary for us to periodically keep reflecting on the ultimate purpose of our lives to get a crystal clear perspective on decisions that we make. The trick is to know when you are just busy and times where you are actually progressing towards your higher purpose.

Reflect on your WHY

The predicament is that most people are busy and not productive. They keep going to the same place where they receive no value addition in themselves as a person and then die working hard all their life but never ever tried to fulfill their purpose. And the reason is pretty simple: They did not reflected on their WHY. Sometimes we consume all our time in activities that make no sense at all and at the end of all that play, we realize that we have no more time to battle with the real thing (which is your purpose).

Reflect on your WHY
Reflect on your WHY

People get too much excited about festivals and events that they consider to be special but I wonder that they never consider every day as equally important as the others. They get excited about the new year, but never soberly & conscientiously ponder over what they did with the year that just passed by? But when you live your life in moving towards your ultimate purpose then each day in your life becomes important. It’s your purpose that not only makes you sit for late hours in the night but also wakes you up early in the morning. When you are learning something each day to get closer to your destiny, you experience true joy. It is that relentless pursuit of your vision that brings importance to each day of your life. When you are progressing towards your end (purpose), you say to yourself everyday, “This is the most important day of my life and I am going to live it like that!”. When you are sensible concerning your destiny, you choose who you associate with and the quality of your time that you use or to the worst squander. You choose it!

Reflect on your WHY
Reflect on your WHY

Generally, whenever a terrible act like suicide happens, the person usually leaves a note before they kill themselves. And the note usually says, “I had no reason for living!”. Probably they never had a strong WHY for living. Therefore, its vital to spend sometime every year, every month, every week and every day with yourself and ask a question to yourself: Am I still aligned with my WHY? Or do I need to adjust a little bit? Remember, your WHY is what gives your life its meaning. It gives you hope because as they say, “If you have a WHY, then you can bear almost ANYHOW!”. Share your perspective!

Reflect on your WHY
Reflect on your WHY

Leading with Influence



Leading With Influence

Leading with Influence


Much of today’s leadership thought revolves around the aspect of using the position provided by the organization to exercise authority over the team members or on followers to persuade them into doing what’s best for the organization. While that may prove helpful in some cases where the environment is too casual in the organization but it’s not quite promising to expect best results from Authoritarian leadership style. It’s not authority that drives and motivates people  to achieve a desired task but the influence that the leader creates in the long run. Influence is a key element in any successful leadership strategy when executed in the right way. And influence is not generally manifested until & unless a leader stands their ground on the following three criteria:

1.       Authenticity:

Leading with Influence

A leader needs to be precise in what they want from the followers. They need to have a clear purpose & a vision. They etymology of the word ‘authentic; can be traced back to the Greek word ‘authento’ which means to ‘have full power’. This reflects that when the word ‘authentic’ is attached with a leader, he or she is a master in his or her own domain and areas of competence. And it is this mastery in their domain which produces influence. To put this into perspective, we can consider an early reference to authentic functioning in Socrates view of self-enquiry as he argued that an ‘unexamined life’ is not worth living. So a leader constantly needs to pursue knowing themselves and refining their skills to become a master of their domain or areas of competence.

2.       Integrity:

Leading with Influence

Integrity is arguably the most important component in your leadership journey if you want to make an impact on people despite your position or authority. To be an Integrated leader means to be completely aligned with your beliefs, values and convictions. It means that you won’t compromise on your moral values & ethical considerations despite of what circumstances you are facing at any moment of your personal or professional life.

The ethical part of leadership has been sharply questioned particularly by leaders who failed to live by some intact principles & standards. So, is it worth for a leader to remain ethical? Or can they just preach and not practice it? The answer is an absolute YES! Because leadership is an act which involves the trust of the followers. And in any given scenario, if you violate that basic entity which is the very foundation of a stable relationship between a leader & a follower, you have just uprooted yourself from being an Influential leader to merely an authoritative leader.

Leading with Influence

Great leaders of the history like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and many others showed an exemplary character which formed the foundation of their leadership abilities. They had this unique quality of leading the masses with their influence produced by their integrity to their convictions which separated them by a distance from leaders who had authority but no influence because of the fact that they failed to live by some intact moral principles & ethical boundaries. And to prevent that from happening, you must share your values with your team members so that it gets deeply ingrained in their mind and become a culture of the organization.

3.       Put People First:

This is the point where Servant leadership comes into play. A Servant leader is one whose motivation is to meet the needs of his/her team members so that they could work without considering any ramifications, worries or poignancies of their professional or personal life

Authoritarian leadership does not necessarily guarantee the successful implementation of the ideas or the strategy of the leader. It is only when the leader leads with his own example that the team or the staff members can act on leaders mandate. When a leader leads by example, it can bring about both organizational change and also employee engagement. And since Employee engagement is directly linked with the organizational change, therefore, it is necessary for a leader to focus more on themselves and how they want to present themselves in front of people they lead. They need to carefully analyze themselves and regularly ask questions such as: What kind of qualities do I need my people to incorporate in themselves and do I have those qualities in me?  Or What kind of a leader would I like to follow and then improve yourself to become that Ideal leader whom you would like to follow.

Leading with Influence

If the leader can release the abilities of the employees by having a healthy relationship with them and providing them more & more opportunities for growth, then the employees are automatically going to lead the organizational change even in the absence of authority and work collaboratively to thrive the organization.

A Servant leader completely transforms an organization which results in the establishment of trust within team members and effective management & allocation of resources in favor of the organization.


Leadership-Build More Leaders


Leadership-Build More Leaders

Leadership-Build More Leaders

The purpose of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders. The above line sums up the whole purpose of leadership. You cannot convince me that you are a leader and say that you do not have a plan for your succession. Coaching & Mentoring are an integral part of your success as a leader. Your responsibility as a leader is to produce people better than you. Coaching & Mentoring practices focus on self-development. And coaches and mentors, too, are expected to be in a perpetual state of learning.

·         Put people first: When you decide to build people, your objective must also be to put people first. Shortsighted leadership focuses primarily on the bottom line. It’s not that the profits are not important—they are. But when they become the primary focus of a leader, then it inevitable results in self-interest and not in the interest of the team or the organization.

Sometimes, it may even cost you with some of your resources in developing people but it’s fine as long as you have made a decision to compromise on your bottom line in order to build effective leaders.

·         Character: Most leaders place their value on the vision of the organization and sometimes even ignore the role of a strong and genuine character in their personal life. Character is however, more fundamental and essential to accomplishing your organizational vision. Character affects how we interact with people around us. It influences to a high extent the kind of people we choose to surround ourselves with.

Leadership-Build More Leaders

George Washington is reported to have said, “Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.’ Why is this important? Because your character is who you are. And if you don’t have a reputable character as a leader, you cannot expect others to follow you and help them become better leaders. For that to happen, you need to have a good, genuine and noble character.

Leadership-Build More Leaders

·         Accountability & Trust: A leader must be accountable to a higher authority other than himself. He or she must submit to that authority without any terms or conditions in any situation. And this accountability is the prerequisite to building trust.

When you are accountable to yourself, to the people you lead and a higher authority, then people eventually place trust in you. Trust is a natural product of being accountable. If your desire is to build leaders, you need to be a good and reputable leaders yourself first and build the trust among your followers to transform them into leaders.

Leadership-Build More Leaders

·         Leadership Attributes: Leaders attributes are an obvious quality to a leader who is looking to build or mentor leaders. Leadership attributes include demonstrating courage; keeping others focused on the organization’s vision & mission; exercising faith, and always willing to examine and change paradigms. True leadership often comes on to the frontline when it’s necessary to hold up some decision even when others disagree.

·         Influence & Impact: Mentor leaders look for opportunities in life to make an impact, because these opportunities to make difference in the lives of others will always be present. When you are a leader, you already have the positional advantage to influence others. Too often I hear people say that they will make a difference—later. They have a belief that they can change things once they have more time or once they have accomplished more. And therefore, they have a mentality that mentoring & coaching is only for experienced people. Don’t let your age – either young or old or your experience, or the call of success get in the way of your mission to touch the world for good. As a leader, you are obligated to help your people and make them better leaders for tomorrow. But you need to start somewhere. Just start and try to learn from other leadership models that produced great results.

Leadership-Build More Leaders

·         Lead with example: What could be the best way to develop leaders other than letting them follow on your own footsteps? There are mainly two kinds of leaders. One who say things, but do not really practice the same in their own life. Then there are those who live the words they speak. I don’t need to ask you which of the two will have more influence on you? Obviously, the former kind of leader will have influence but that influence will be short lived. The simple truth behind that is : you are known for your Actions & not just for your words.

Leadership-Build More Leaders

Mentor leaders are known by their legacy. If you want to build leaders who will be known for their commitment to the beliefs and values of the organization, you too must have to live your life In a way which reflects the same. For that, examine yourself and ask yourself: Am I consistent with my words? Am  I consistent with my actions? Am I consistent with my beliefs, values and standards? When you are consistent with the above traits, people will follow you and work on the principles that you live on and become much better leaders.

Choose the Right People!


Choose the Right People!

Choose the Right People

One of the significant factors that contributes to high performance of a business portfolio, athletes, artists, or any other field for that matter, is the impact of the people that they surround themselves with. There are tons of people who are exceptionally talented with unique gifts but they never are able to release them because they arose from a part of the society where their talents were not appreciated or realized to even exist. Just think about it for a moment, if a particular environment or section of society doesn’t value some specific things, you naturally won’t be rewarded for your accomplishments however great they may be. But if you release your gifts to a place where people genuinely value your contribution because they need it, they would naturally reward you following the laws of economics.

Consider a colony who is fed and completely dependent on its ruling kingdom. The subjects living in that colony are oppressed by the rulers, but if collaboration of people results into a movement that liberates the subjects from the oppressive policies of the government, then you would be convinced that the people will value that movement or that people who collaborate to solve the issue. Now, if the same group of people advance in a democratic civilization, they wouldn’t be valued and exactly rewarded as they were in the former scenario.

In other words, even though you are carrying something which is valuable and can help people relive some kind of problems, still it does not guarantee that they will completely receive it. Because it also depends on the needs of the person at the receiving end. You might even end up squandering your valuable time, energy & put it into action to build something but if the receiver doesn’t demand or value it then your effort or time has no value at all!

Choose the Right People

The whole point of the above discussion is that you might have been with people all those years who told you, “You are nothing”, or “You can’t do this” or “You will never amount to something: and some of you might have even got discouraged and frustrated by these people’s remarks but still continued to associate with them or used most of your time to get their attention. But you need to understand from the above concept that not everyone can truly embrace or understand your worth. So, if you keep associating with such kind of people, even though you may not feel it but you slowly tend to lose trust in yourself that is your Self-Confidence. And the less you trust yourself, the more you will be persuaded and even coerced by other people.

Choose the Right People

Its also been seen that in case of professional athletes, the performance of an athlete changes dramatically when they get a spouse or make a friend. And most of the part on his/her coach. Yeah, we all know that stuff. But the major difference arises how the coach treats an athlete. Some coaches keep pointing out the mistakes without even bothering to suggest corrective measures. And this behavior arises partly because some coaches may consider the player overconfident or boastful and some of the coaches inculcate this behavior to feed their own ego. A good coach however, would not abstain from reflecting the mistakes but also facilitate correction and tries to understand the player’s uniqueness. And that is what makes all the difference.

The people you choose to use your time, determine the level of your motivation and your work ethic. If you associate with people who are given away to drunkenness ( not specifically alcohol but referring to anything that disturbs your mental faculty) , who are always complaining, or sluggards, then you can’t work with efficacy in that particular environment.

Choose the Right People

So, its important for you to choose the right people for you. Because life is not an experiment. You can’t keep experimenting with people for years and then decide whether you should live with them or not. It should straight away tickle you by analyzing their interests and most importantly their character. You can always tell what a person is like by the people he keep friendship with. The people you choose will be responsible for your intellectual growth, your finances, your character, your interests and eventually your destiny. You might end up being depressed & frustrating believing the shit people tell you and just get away with living an average life with average expectations getting average results. But if you live with people who always encourage you to push your limits, believe in yourself and helps you to become a better person then trust me, you will get through any circumstance in lie. What kind of people do you choose for your life?

The Power of an Idea!



The Power of an Idea!

The Power of Ideas
The Power of Ideas

Do you know that the world is ruled by Dead people? Yes! The world is the way we see it now is actually shaped & influenced by the people who are DEAD. Almost every system that operates on this planet governs on the principles that these Ancient people established. But how can someone rule the world without even being present in it? Why is it that the world is ruled by people in the cemetery? And the answer is not because they were powerful, wealthy or masters of the art of persuasion. Its because they influenced their contemporary world with their Ideas.

Ancient is so subtle that you do not even realize when you are under its influence and yet when that idea keeps multiplying, it manifests & metamorphoses itself into something what we usually call a Trend. And once this trend goes deep into the psyche of certain group, we call it a culture. Matter of fact, everything that you can see and cannot see was once an idea from the pencil on your desk to your electronic devices. All of them were an idea which got manifested at some point.

The Power of Ideas
The Power of Ideas

Even the cultural clashes or the abuse on grounds of ethnicity or religion is an idea. Some groups somehow got an idea from an unreliable source that are better than the other group or they were bron to dominate the other group. They believed that their purpose was to oppress certain groups which they considered to be inferior than themselves. Now, due to this idea, they formed a concept which is actually a misconception of human misjudgment. Then their concept became their belief system. And their belief system led them to influence the nations.

When you read about Adolf Hitler, you would find out that the destruction that he caused to millions of lives started from a single idea which perhaps came from the wrong source. And this idea led to his misconception that God favors certain groups of people while others should be persecuted if they do not belong to that section of society.

The Power of Ideas
The Power of Ideas

Still not Convinced? Okay. Let’s see a much more relevant example. We all live in Democratic Societies (hopefully). But the word ‘Democracy’ is actually a Greek Idea. Greeks invented this idea of ‘Demokratia’ where ‘demos’ refers to citizens and ‘kratos’ means to rule. When the Roman empire invaded the Greece, they demolished everything except the concepts of Greeks. So they put this Greek idea of “Democracy” into effect and now almost the whole world is governed by this idea that a few men created.

The Power of Ideas
The Power of Ideas

This is why ideas are the most powerful thing in the world because ideas do not die with death. They keep perpetuating themselves even after that person’s demise. So the whole content about it is: where do you get your ideas from? Where do you form your philosophy of life? Where do you get information about sensitive topics that is available cheaply all over the Internet? The source of your ideas is important than the idea itself. You need to check the source which forms your ideology because that will form your reality. You need to keep check on people who influence you the most and contribute to a large amount of your Ideas. Share your Ideas below!

The One Thing!



The One Thing!

The One Thing
The One Thing

What makes high-achievers differ from the people who are just looking to get through the day? What is the one thing that separates successful people from nay-Sayers, complainers and gossipers? Why do some people wake-up everyday filled with loads of energy & enthusiasm while the rest are depressed and have lost faith in their destiny? Why life seems so predictable & simple for some people while it is filled with complexities & unpredictability for others?

Well, the answer to these seemingly composite questions is pretty forthright to you particularly, if you spend some time reflecting on your own thoughts. And the simple truth is that these people focus on “ONE THING”. It’s that simple and yet that complex. The hard reality of the modern world is that most people try to be “Jack of all Trades:. And in the process of doing so, they end up mastering nothing. And one of the major cause of this belief system comes from the delusion that people on the social media platforms present. They create a delusion among the content consumers that they are highly competent people in various arenas of life.

The One Thing
The One Thing

However, if you look at any successful franchise, business or individual for that matter, you will find one thing in common and that is nearly all of them are masters of their particular domain. In other words, they don’t try to be good at everything. They are very well aware of their circle of competence and they stay within that particular circle of competence. They don’t compromise their passion just because someone in any other field is making more paper (money) than them. And this is the reason why most people stay average all their life because they try to do everything in their life or even try to become someone for somebody which they are not.

The One Thing
The One Thing

Not all things in life are important! You must understand this deep into your spirit. There are only a few things that are important in life. You must find those things and prioritize them over everything else. And if you don’t, you will lie all your life unfulfilled, unhappy & depressed with a sense of dissatisfaction. The Key to your greatness is to find that ONE THING and master it better than anybody else in the world.

The One Thing
The One Thing

Why do you think Bill Gates & the company that he founded is so successful? Because they focus on one thing. They are not trying to provide every other service to everybody. They are saying, “Look, we are successful because we dominate the software world”. They found their niche early on and then dominate the software industry. What do you think of when  I say, “ Virat Kohli, Roger Federer, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey or Stephen Hawking?” Isn’t this amazing that you already created a picture about these people in your mind & their areas of domain? Now, let me ask you another question: What will we remember you for? When we think of you, what comes to our mind first? Do not be so busy in becoming a jack of all trades that you have no time to become master of none of them. At the very least, find something to master. Find your ONE THING and set out on the journey to become a master of it. Share your thoughts!

The One Thing
The One Thing

Leadership & True North!



Leadership & True North!

Leadership & True North
Leadership & True North!

The most important component in the leadership development is certainly not accumulation of power or wealth, position or status, titles, high stake communication stills or even achievements. But the most important and arguably the most inseparable component of a leader is Character. And by Character, I do not by any means referring to reputation. By character, I am referring to your true-self. It is your character that determines the level of trust people place on you. You may be on the epitome or surge of success in your area of competence, but if you lack this ‘character’ aspect than everything else diminishes against it.

It is your character which acts as the “True North”. And therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a genuine character that reflects your values & belief system. There are many leaders who are just waiting to grab the opportunities to lead and most of them are motivated for material benefits or they have a fervor to feel important or approved by others. The purpose of a character based leadership is to discover our true north which acts as the lighthouse for others to follow.

Leadership & True North
Leadership & True North

There have been innumerable incidents in the past where leaders forsook the need of others and sell their integrity in times of pressure and eventually lost their True North. Your True north is what puts you in the right direction as a leader. Your True North determines your ethical standards. The Authenticity of your leadership is measured by your alignment with the True north. And when you survive the turbulent & nasty times which tests your character, only then you can really measure how much intact your True North Is.

Leadership & True North
Leadership & True North

Following your True North is the most important for any aspiring leader or for leaders who are already in positions of authority. It is important to note that your authenticity is never measured by your age or even experience. It may take 20 years to build yourself as an authentic person and an act of merely 20 seconds can ruin it. Building yourself as an Authentic leader helps you in many facets of life. Aristotle himself linked the notion of moral character to a virtuous life. And this is where habit formation comes into play. The more you practice it, the more natural it becomes to you.

Leadership & True North
Leadership & True North

Just like a habit is the result of perpetuity of certain definite actions. Similarly, forming & maintaining a genuine character is an act of repetition. The more you do it, the better you become at it. When you are consciously keeping yourself aligned with the True north, you are feeding the exact information right into your subconscious mind. And the more you do it, the better it fits into the subconscious. Remember, your True North is the key to your Authenticity!

The Principle of Rarity



The Principle of Rarity

The Principle of Rarity
The Principle of Rarity

When I was in high school, the teacher said to the class one day, “Today, I’m going to teach you the most basic principle on which economies work”. He continued by saying, “I’ll teach you the principle of rarity”. And he went on to explain us that the more rare a thing is, the higher is its value. And the more common a thing is, the lesser is its value.

When I came to know about this, it ticked me on and I learned a very important principle not just in economics but one which is very much feasible in practical life as well. It is due to this principle that people do not have a self-image or self-esteem. It is due to this that people have a lack of self-confidence. It is because of this that people lack and even ignore their true self or identity. And the observation is this: Most people are so much consumed up by the temptation to be like others that they have literally lost their true identity. This is the reason why people are tempted to wear expensive clothing or to dress like others or even to become just like others.

The Principle of Rarity
The Principle of Rarity

Because they never discovered themselves, they never felt significant with who they really were. The underlying principle is that the more original you are, the higher is your value. Therefore, you should never try to be like others. Of course, there is always a possibility to learn from others but you should always make this a guideline to never become them. So, when you see a person trying to dress like someone, talk like someone or behave like someone, they are actually reducing their value. But if you just be yourself, you are unique in yourself, then you are more valuable as a consequence of it.

And I have literally seen people who cut their hair like other people to feel important. Let me tell you something, if you want to be like someone to feel important, you are sick (mentally). When you discover who you are, you discover that you are too valuable to be yoked up in someone else. And that is why, I believe that every person that exists in this world has something important to offer to the world. But whether they release it or not depends on whether they choose to be themselves and harness their talents or just to become a shadow of other people. Rocks are cheap because they are found everywhere, they are common. But diamonds are expensive and valuable because of the fact that they are rare. If you believe that you are a diamond, you won’t just throw yourself away to anybody. 

The Principle of Rarity
The Principle of Rarity

Matter of fact, you will value yourself and treat yourself with much care. But you must believe that you are important to the world. You should know your value. Because if you don’t know how much valuable you are, we will tell you how much valuable you should be. You should know that you don’t need to be like SOMEBODY to be SOMEBODY, you are already SOMEBODY! Share your thoughts!

The Principle of Rarity
The Principle of Rarity

Authentic Leadership


Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership

Spurred by deep-rooted concerns about the ethical conduct of today’s leaders based on chilling examples of corporate & government malfeasance, many leadership thinkers have called the need for a new kind of leadership—Authentic Leadership. Manifested by the unethical conduct of many leaders in positions of authority, this discipline requires a thorough understanding of the underlying meaning of true leadership. Only then it can be exemplified in its true spirit.

Authenticity can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosophy which is also reflected by Greek aphorism ‘Know Thyself’. The root word for authenticity in the Greek language is the word ‘authento’ meaning to have “full power”. Socrates also argued the point that an ‘unexamined life’ is not worth living. Aristotle followed with a  view of ethics through a concept of ‘self-realization’ following a pursuit of the ‘higher good’ when the soul is in alignment with the virtues for a complete life.

There have been numerous definitions of authenticity and how it’s measured in the conduct of an individual by keeping in accordance with the choices they make. Many believe that authenticity is about accountability & trust. Some argue the fact that it’s about doing the business while keeping intact with ethical considerations. Some focus on the end goal rather than on the materialistic benefits that it offers which is the mean.

If we take a broader view at it, we could probably say that authentic leadership should exemplify both behavioral consistencies and a positive ethical environment to draw out peak performance. Nalumbwa, Avolio, Gardner Wernsing and Peterson define authentic leadership as:

Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership

A pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacitie & a positive ethical climate, to foster greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self development. [1]

                           If you would have to simplify the above idea, it would be this: An Authentic leader is someone who consistently exercises a good work ethic while at the same time keeping themselves aligned with their moral compass which in turn leads to accountability and transparency. Most frequently the reason that leaders are not able to practice authentic leadership is because they are trying to grow without a well-understood mission. Without clarity of purpose, it is difficult to be authentic. Without clarity of mission, a leader can be busy most of the times and still not be productive. Therefore, its important to understand your purpose first before overlaying the plans for its execution.

Authentic Leadership
Authentic Leadership

Your priorities should be crystal clear in your mind before you set out to do your task. For example, for many leaders their motivation to work is for the money that comes from their position and not necessarily to lead or guide people and help them become better. For how much and for how long do you expect from such a leader to perform their reserved duties and tasks? Certainly, such type is going to drain out soon. Of course, the motivation to work needs to be shifted from just monetary aspect to a point which provides maximum opportunity of growth not only for the leader but also for the followers and the organization alike.

If you want to be trusted & respected, you need to become authentic. And for that, you will have to introspect within yourself and be rational in your approach to make some changes to foster not only your own growth but others growth as well. What is your take on Authentic leadership and what are some of the practices that leads to being more authentic? Share your thoughts!





F.o., Avolio, B.J., Gardner, W.L., Wernsing, T.S., & Peterson, S.J. Walumba, "Authentic Leadership: Development and validation of a theory-based measure," Journal of Management, pp. 89-126, 2007.




Ruthless Consistency!



Ruthless Consistency!

Ruthless Consistency
Ruthless Consistency

The notion that ideas must be promoted & old ones challenged explains to a significant degree, the evolution of science and paradigm shifts taking all across the globe. Unfortunately, this perceived notion does not characteristically explain the behavior and choices that people make every single day. The question is: Why don’t people learn from their poor choices? Why people don’t keep themselves consistent? Why they give in to some temporary situations so easily when they are on the verge of realizing their true potential? And what can they really do about it?

And matter of fact, I’m not just talking about consistency in your perseverance attitude to achieve your lucrative goals but also in terms of cognitive behaviors, actions & commitments.

The Psychology of Inconsistency

Ruthless Consistency
Ruthless Consistency

Have you ever met with a person who was doing very well with his life but after a  few years, you meet him and he does not stand on your expectations? You would probably have that if this person could have just continued to work the way he did before, he must have been at a far better position right now than he is. The moment you say one thing but do another – you are bound to be fragile on others trust and more importantly  -  your own trust i.e. your self-confidence. Sometimes what makes life challenging for you after a great frame of time spent well in the past is just inconsistent act!

The simple truth is that you do not become a master of your work unless you are ready to sabotage or sacrifice some of the things that are precious to you like your leisure time. It’s that simple! What differentiates a world-champion from a spectator is CONSISTENCY! You may not be getting the results that you want, you might not be getting appreciated for what you do, you might not feel good while you do it. But the principle is that, if you keep hammering on it every single day, there will come a day when you will reap the benefits of what you sowed.

Ruthless Consistency
Ruthless Consistency

This is what I call the SEED Principle. When you sow a seed in the ground, you don’t expect a tree with fruits. Do you? Matter of fact, you know that it takes time for a seed to become a fruit-bearing tree. Even after knowing all this, you bury it in the ground, water it every day, give it some sunlight and a day comes when it fully manifests itself into a tree. The same principle holds true for you as well. You might not be observing any progress in what seems painful to you, but if you keep watering that desire, it manifests itself and then comes the day when the results show up. Your consistency is the key for great progress even though it may be small & steady. Remember the Kaizen concept? Share your thoughts!